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正在播放:STAY Zaka...我会想你的 / 第2集

  • @喝汽水的老阿姨很后知后觉的看了这部跟我一样大的电影,巩俐古装真的很美,而且三个角色都能演得有区别,在那个年代这样大胆的剧情与特效也算惊人了,看到站在残旧长城上的蒙天放,我想到老谋子现在拍的《长城》,额…… - 《STAY Zaka...我会想你的》
  • @巫小能我那时候超喜欢这部片子啊!!!
  • @littlestar这个不用说了~是一个里程碑~80%的人都该看过吧~
  • @yocofcjx28算中国最早的穿越电影吗?总之我小时候可喜欢看了!!!秦朝的部分很唯美,民国的时候很有趣!关键是最后现代部分的相见,开放结局,非常令人遐想!!!
  • @闲潭影男主角不一定要多帅,一定要有型
  • @小怪执守千年,发现来世的你已经不再记得我、不再爱我,退回那个黑暗的角落,不再打扰你的生活,以另一种方式默默守候着我们曾经的爱情。
  • @Az虽然有这样那样的不足,但那种年代,这样的情节和创意,加上难得一见的张艺谋的表演,巩俐年轻时清丽无匹的模样,给四星。
  • @风满袖焚心似火,下辈子我还记得你
  • @沒對鞏莉從火中走來,背景響起葉倩文的歌聲「焚身以火」那一幕,印象非常非常深刻
  • @Howie老谋子还是挺搞笑的。 前面的秦朝描述虽然挺多BUG.不过那种豪迈的气质很符合大秦的统一气象。
分集播放选择 / 共4集
Jook is a girl who has always dreamed of publishing her own book. She decides to combine her dream and her studies by thinking about working on a final project - a journal about food in Japan,with her best friend Ann. A journey to complete her dream then begins and her destination is a small farm at Saga,Japan. But in the end,Jook unexpectedly has to go to Japan by herself b... (展开全部) Jook is a girl who has always dreamed of publishing her own book. She decides to combine her dream and her studies by thinking about working on a final project - a journal about food in Japan,with her best friend Ann. A journey to complete her dream then begins and her destination is a small farm at Saga,Japan. But in the end,Jook unexpectedly has to go to Japan by herself because suddenly,her best friend decides to ditch her.

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